Mob Psycho 100 is an anime series adapted from the manga of the same name by author ONE. This hanime series quickly attracted the audience's attention not only because of its beautiful graphics but also because of the deep content and meaning of the story.

Mob Psycho 100
Mob Psycho 100 Is An Attractive And Interesting Anime Series That Hanime Is Streaming Online For Free For You

Main Content of the Anime Mob Psycho 100

The main content of Mob Psycho 100 revolves around the life of Shigeo Kageyama, nicknamed Mob, a high school student with strong supernatural abilities. Mob has a normal appearance and always tries to keep himself "normal" in the eyes of everyone around him. However, what is special about Mob is not his appearance, but his supernatural abilities. Mob possesses psychic powers and telekinesis, allowing him to control and create unparalleled power.

Even though Mob has supernatural abilities, he doesn't want to optimize it or use it to do anything special. He just wants to live a normal life and stay out of trouble. Mob is an excellent student, but dislikes social interactions and often feels like he doesn't stand out. However, Mob's life changes when he encounters Reigen Arataka.

Reigen is a self-styled spiritual consultant and "spiritual detective". Although he does not have any supernatural abilities, Reigen is very intelligent and talented in dealing with supernatural phenomena. Mob begins working for Reigen, effectively helping him "solve" his spiritual problems. Through different situations and characters, this anime frequently emphasizes the meaning of mutual understanding and acceptance. Mob is not only a "strong guy" in the supernatural world but also a trustworthy companion.


Mob Psycho 100 is an attractive and meaningful anime, you will easily be drawn into the story that this anime brings. This is one of the best anime series of 2016 and it continues until ss3 in 2022, you can watch it for free on okay.